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Lawrence Lessig Leaving Stanford; Returning To Harvard; Safra Center:
The most surreal experience I've had? /EVER/? Tracking down an issue with Movable Type so Lessig could post this *WOW*!
@MSGiro Haha! Well, there's more to its usage than might be obvious. Founding a music industry startup is the root cause of its abuse.
@MSGiro Yeah, he definitely caused Huck to pause on what seemed several occasions, though "marriage evolution" left him at a loss for words.
@lawouach No, you're /definitely/ a *ROCKSTAR* ;-)
RT @lawouach Will play with EC2 to deploy ejabberd and some of my XMPP code... LLUP is coming :) [mdp: *SWEET*! :-D]
@toddogasawara You've got a good point. F11 -> Fullscreen is /definitely/ a necessary and missing feature. This is true of Safari as ...
@lawouach is a *ROCKSTAR*! Evidence as to why to follow... :-)
@DevHawk Wasn't he! I've watched it several times in complete awe of how well he controlled the conversation + expressed his views. AMAZING!
@delitescere What's the second word? ;-)
@delitescere Not sure I follow. So are most things on the web. But mtotw don't make it easy to collect and share related content.
Oh, this: - is *SWEET*! Zero-install, browser-based, collections-oriented shareable clipboard for web content
IronPython 2.0 [] + DLR 0.9 [] released today! SL Toolkit [] yesterday. All are MS-PL!
This: - could /easily/ be the best show John Stewart has /ever/ done. He deserves an Emmy for just this show alone.
@jebro Yeah, Chrome is /definitely/ a bit greedy on the resources due to one process per tab. Without breathing room it will perform badly.
@KayBallard Haha! I think we can /all/ use some European sophistication, so I'm all for it! ;-)
@jebro I assume that it has to do with a separate process for each tab? How much RAM does your work XP machine have?
@sontek They must have improved performance since you last tried it. It's /ROCK SOLID/ for me.
Haha! Apparently @grader assumes upside-down text is Italian. See "suggested folks to follow" @ +


Biz Stone Evan Williams Rael Dornfest danah boyd Brad Barrish Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Kathy Johnson Scott Beale Aubrey Sabala Jason Calacanis Caterina Molly E. Holzschlag brady forrest Jeffrey McManus Justine l.m. orchard Veronica Belmont Doug Haslam Zadi Diaz Emily Chang Ryan Stewart Tantek Çelik Paul Jones Danny Ayers Karen O'Brien Greg Stein Tom Coates Matt Biddulph timoni Edd Dumbill Deb Bassett Dave Beckett Mickipedia
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