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Another multi-hundred dollar trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond. Finding things the house needs in a piecemeal fashion is getting annoying. :-p
Note to self: don't leave yourself logged into Communicator at home. Missed conversations will result. Thank you!
Does anybody else feel like Obama's campaign has gone a little PBS on us? "If you donate $35, you'll get this wonderful wall calendar!"
Agree with @letskilldave... things that eat salads are at the bottom of the food chain, not the top. ;)
@scottgal 150W is a lot of power to expect out of a cigarette lighter. It's probably being underfed by your car.
@haacked I don't think you humored him 5 times in a row, Vanilla Lemon Drop. And it's blood red, so nyah! :)
A great gift for the paranoid friend.
A wonderful final track for the night.
The MBP is supposedly asleep, but I keep hearing it wake itself every 5 minutes or so, then it goes back to sleep. WTH is it doing?
Holy schnikes, my entry room is empty of boxes. Please don't look in the first bedroom on the right. :-p
@bellware It's awesome being a time traveler. :)
@bellware What about only_if? and_then_afterwards? :)
I've decided that it's my life's work to close all polls and non-questions on Stack Overflow.
Once I get all the boxes unpacked I'll take a picture of the bedroom. Still needs much decoration, of course...
No, but in all seriousness, it is super awesome. And @haacked is a chick. Vanilla Lemon Drop!? :-p
My bed is super, super red. I'd squeal with delight, but I'm not @haacked (who, based on what he was drinking last night, is no man no mo').
@codereflection Dude, Skolnick is back. Even better! :)
@codereflection I was actually surprised how well he did with the vocals, too (and of course, the music is perfect).
@matthawley No, I am actually seeing results. 61.5 million of them, if the # is to be believed.


ants Tom Bridge Don Demsak ǝɹooɯ ǝʞıɯ Michael L. Raymond Lewallen Darth Vader jozjozjoz Scott Koon Chris Bilson hotdogsladies John Resig Jon Galloway Phil Haack Kevin Dente Tim Heuer Randy Holloway Mark Gardner Mark Lozano Miguel de Icaza Stevi Deter Leon (Telligent) Wil Wheaton Tiffany Bridge Ponzi Pirillo Suzanna Moran Shawn Wildermuth Scott Galloway Barry Dorrans Robbie Coleman Scott Densmore Wil Shipley Marc Brooks David Laribee Eduardo Jezierski
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