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Enjoying some Turron de Jijona. Thanks, @cheller!
Some kid just fell on the ice and knocked his tooth out. Ouch!
Where the hell is building 99?
Laos food with a friend at MLK way. Sunny day!
@nkohari, @lazanotek (cont) and there is always SVN bridge (we used on Oomph).
@nkohari, @lazanotek, Oxite absolutely will accept contributions. If by "submit patches" you mean SVN, that's nothing to do with Oxite
Got my White Castle and hot jams on WJLB; cruising past abandoned cars and big American flags.
The NWA stewardess was right! That pepsi spilled all over my leg is not uncomfortable AT ALL! I can totally go to the funeral like this!
@tobiaspeggs Dude, what the heck? How do you go from successful presentation to broken nose in the space of a few hours? Sounds like Ryan
NWA northworst has 100% suckage record unblemished. Only flying because emergency travel only flight available. Never again.
At AddOnCon with @tobiaspeggs; Kimball Musk, Alex Iskold, et al panel. Alec Jeong talking about enjoyable advertising. 70% CTR
AddOnCon slides and demos all working. Will be using and extending Oomph, some good ol' 1998 C++ brutality!!
@TommyLee keep up the brutality!
@TomyLee 10 years? Congratulations!!
@DanWhalin Thanks!
Reading @mollydotcom article on Biz Value of Web Standards at
Eating hotpot on a cold a gray day
Holy crap my "knight's tour" in F# is sloooow. It uses tail recursion and no state, but is like a billion times slower than assembler


Molly E. Holzschlag Dimitri Glazkov OffBeatMammal Tantek Çelik Don Demsak Frank Arrigo Fraser Kelton Jeff Sandquist Molly E Holzschlag Joshua Green Allen Adam Kinney Pete LePage Mike Deem Dave Bost Catherine Heller Randy Holloway Chris Wilson Scott Barnes Jian Shuo Wang Greg Reinacker Karsten Januszewski chris hollander Jefferson Fletcher Matt May tobiaspeggs Shola Aluko Eduardo Jezierski Janakiram MSV Wendy Chisholm JP Rangaswami William Loughborough Thomas Lewis Cyra Richardson Nishant Kothary Christoph Erik Porter