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Heading out. G'night Twitterland.
@kfellows It just seemed appropriate at the time. haha
I put in my AIM conversation with my sister: "*points STRONGLY at you*" and then sent her a picture of Evil Monkey. Gawd, I'm weird.
@OmegaSpreem I just can't study in the library. Much less, go to the library. I don't know the last time I was in the city library.
Only took 15 minutes, but I FINALLY figured it out. Finals week = stress week/confusion week.
Having my sister explain what was all shipped today because I have to wrap gifts on her behalf. God, I'm confused.
@amoyal And that's the way it's going to stay. :) Adds a bit of quirky/unique-ness to it.
@amoyal Which part? The massive headache? I'm standing right-side up now. :)
@amoyal Yeah, @hollymccaig have me the idea that standing on my head would give me a massive headache. ;)
@angelashupe I am COMPLETELY innocent... For the most part. ;-)
@rlan I refer to it as hair gel. Wax = ripping out the hairs. ;-)
Now then, time to shower to get the gel out of my hair. Can't sleep with it in or it hurts majorly.
@Bradinator Your comment = checked "yay" box. :)
@OmegaSpreem I hope it's a laptop that you turned over. :D
@hollymccaig Hmm... That might be why I have this throbbing headache now... *turns back over*
@etherjammer That was part of it. I just flipped my camera around and hoped for the best. (No rotating whatsoever) :)
New avatar. Anybody like?
@bjlayland It's finals week and they're Thursday and Friday for me, so studying tonight, tomorrow, and Thursday night.
@iChrisG Haha, glad somebody will miss me. ;-)


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