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ah no, it's on december 22
why can't I find 'Flight of the conchords' torrent? 1st episode of season 2 was wednesday... or maybe it wasn't an episode?
finally could install Drupal on my web server... my pb was just because I logged in as 'admin' instead of 'root'... common mistake i guess
R I C E. Changu Narayan
Bought 2 books from Ann Tyler for 26 kuai. In wei's restaurant, Kmg. Every book 60% discount.
Special dinner at Mao Jia restaurant. Statut and photos of him everywhere. Mao's favourite's dish is very good
damned, "no privilege" in phpMyAdmin on my localhost as well as that web server i have access to. How am I suppose to create a database?
Install a Local Web Server on Ubuntu | Lullabot
@abitbol167 I was thinking about going back to Ubuntu. My machine is getting old, are those gonna work well?
thinking about changing OS on my machine. Xubuntu is nice because it's light and I guess there was a reason why I chose it. but I need more
Black and White Cat › The life and death in Rongshui of Francoise Grenot-Wang
Black and White Cat › The life and death in Rongshui of Francoise Grenot-Wang
ah, made available a link from user's name to the corresponding profile, including the latest comments. pretty sure it's new
Dexter video: Clyde Phillips Interview Part 4 on
new word today: 尴尬 - gāngà which means awkward; embarrassed. another funny sound, isn't it?
捏 - niē, another character I found out about this morning means "hold between the fingers; pinch". love the sound of it, it's quite funny
串 - chuàn is a character that looks like what it means, a measure word for things that are "stringed together", brochette, grappes, keys...
@adarsh loved the ending. too fast though. I just started to watch 'the Wire' last week from season 1, do you like that show?


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