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No sooner do I hit send and the plane shows up. I have a MAGIC iPhone! Thanks, PHONE!
Flight leaves in half an hour, but the plane isn't at the gate yet. Odds of leaving on time? Slim to none.
I wonder where my floatation device is? Just in case we "land" in the water.
@AutoSponge nope, Lousiana. My parents retired to Mandeville, LA to be near mom's family, and my sister lives there now too.
Not looking forward to tomorrow. I hate flying. Okay, I don't hate flying. Flying is fast. I hate airports and waiting in lines.
Gotta get my article done so I can head home early today and pack.
@GarnettLee PC game suggestions: King's Bounty, L4D (duh), Far Cry 2, Sacred 2, and you can't go wrong with Civ IV.
GPU-accelerated video conversion piece: done. On site tomorrow, but the gist of it is: Nvidia good, ATI not so much, CPU slowest but best.
Not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. Weather like this makes me want to sleep in. And so does video encoding testing.
@ncroal it more concerns me that they don't sell far more Wii games, even given a bigger installed base and vastly bigger monthly sales. :(
@jwhdavison Yeah, apparently UGO managed to have 1 in 10 americans visit every month without anyone I know visting, ever.
Going to film a segment for Tekzilla this afternoon along with Robert Heron. It'll be nice to see @patricknorton and @Veronica again.
It's hard to find people on twitter now. Searching by name is gone. How am I supposed to find the people I want to follow?
So, the new Banjo Kazooie game is far better and more addictive than anticipated.
Not so sure about the new Star Trek movie. The trailer is pretty, but it doesn't invoke the old Trek crew to me. It's too action-y.
Having a very migraine-y weekend. Jason is angry.
Dear Twitter, please get your search working. It has been broken forever. Thanks.
@natalidelconte You KNOW your traffic is messed up when it makes someone wish for New York traffic. Seriously.
Looks like I'm going to be on Cranky Geeks tomorrow.
@kevinrose You know that's not supposed to be a product, right? It's a tourism site gateway for Nova Scotia. Pick "I've seen enough."


Veronica Belmont Major Nelson (Larry) Kevin Rose Natali Del Conte Gary Lusk Roger Chang Jonathan Coulton Jim Louderback Tom Ohle Felicia Day teledyne9 John Davison rahulsood loydcase N'Gai Croal TychoBrahe John C. Dvorak hodgman Patrick Norton Ted Van Huisen GarnettLee Siren Robyn Peterson martinsargent zabuni elleoelle dennya Jennifer Abe anniela Paul Grenier PC Magazine infomania kimstowe tavaris thomas JoelDurhamJr