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Check out @ReneeCallahan's post on the innovation principles embedded in football's spread offense:
My workmate notes that the lead of this WSJ blog item on the interest-rate cut sounds like it could come from The Onion:
Please do everyone a favor and stop holding crappy meetings. Scott Berkun will show you how:
Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses. But don't take my word for it - listen to Prof. Drucker:
Folks, I hope you'll join us for tomorrow's webinar (noon EST), "A Winning Sales Approach: Strategies for Success in 2009"
@LizScherer I think our FB page looks okay - still fiddling with it - just swapped some elements. Ongoing feedback welcome.
RT @SheilaS: "The really badass people in the world don't have to tell you how badass they are. They know you'll figure it out." A Navy SEAL
@transitioner One answer: teach my kids to care about the right things - the durable things.
@CEMaven Reminds me of what Jack Welch said: the thing that makes management *hard* is the need to balance long-term against short-term.
@CEMaven Is it the old short-term vs. long-term thing? CEOs can't see the short-term benefit, ergo don't do it? (And what's "NPS"?)
@KathySierra *nodding* It's a bonus when my boss is my friend. It's *necessary* that my boss supports me.
@missusP Re keeping morale high: I think the article gets the gist (deserves more treatment): be transparent, tell the truth aggressively.
@CEMaven Amen. I wish everyone would emulate AmEx, Container Store, Fry's in terms of customer support.
@marenhogan I second what @mattceni said: Austin is excellent.
@michael_keen Thanks for your blog comment - I replied in the same thread (
@LewisG Excellent - reading your post now.
My considered advice: don't wait for Jan. 2 -- Restart NOW: - Please tell me how you're restarting now.
@csaper Be sure to follow @BryanPerson so you can get announcements about Austin Social Media Breakfasts - good way to meet folks.
RT @suttonhoo: dear airlines...: if you're not letting folks set up flight arrival/departure txt alerts from your site, ur doing it wrong.


crystal Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla Daniel T Buzz Andersen Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross om Dave McClure Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Jeff Bonforte michael lambie Scott Beale Aubrey Sabala Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Susan Scrupski Joanne Wan Thor Muller Chaitanya Sagar Justine Christopher Savage Alex Hillman Corey Pudhorodsky Ben Brown Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan drew olanoff Bill Palmer Dan York Veronica Belmont
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