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While Emma is sleeping, iChat works as a handy baby monitor when I work in the back room. Much better audio and video than our other monitor
Attending a community meeting on the Hetch Hetchy water pipeline upgrade, which supposedly runs almost right under our house.
In a 3.5 hour meeting with a dead battery and no access to power
So I guess it's a little cold here in the Bay Area when I go out to a thick layer of frost on my car.
Landed... and very glad to be home. We started this jouney (with baby) over 12 hours ago.
SFO was a ghost town the other day, so was CVG when we arrived. Same story today. Has all air travel really slown down this much?
Ugh. Drove 2 hours back to Cinci, arrived at CVG 1 hour before our flight. Only to find out flight is delayed by over 3 hours.
Once again, there's a changing table in the men's room, but not in the women's. Signs of changing responsibilities and expectations?
Note to Orbit Infant Seat owners when flying coach: person in front of you won't be able to recline their seat
My wife is stressed about Emma's first flying experience tomorrow. Fingers crossed that the baby doesn't scream the whole time.
Trying to figure out how to get a Zip 250 drive to work so I can access old files. Can't find power cord, and MBP has no PCMCIA slot to use.
Getting Emma's picture taken with Mr. Clause.
@beep @simplebits Ok, enough of that. The thought of either one of you in thongs is enough to ruin my turkey leftover sandwiches
Thankful for our 3-month old daughter, who is learning to put everything in her mouth that she can grasp with her hands.
Minor back injury actually forces me to catch up on G work that's 3 months late. I haven't worked on weekends since we brought Emma home.
@markboulton I can relate - seems most likely to happen when wearing black. Knock 'em dead w/ grids, wish I were there.
I've tried it, it's great. More evidence supporting why I think RememberTheMilk's iPhone app is incredibly hot and useful:
I've been a @RTM user for a year now. The iPhone app they just introduced is a beauty and the best to-do mgr iApp so far:
When MobileMe 'Push' works, it's great. When it doesn't, data gets wiped, erasing all events & contacts on my phone. Terrific experience.


Dunstan Chris Wetherell veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason peterme Mr Messina bryan mason Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Dan Benjamin Maxine Sherrin Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Hickensian Aaron Gustafson Wilson Miner Josh Williams Beep. Dan Rubin Veerle Pieters Ryan Carson Russ Greg Storey John Gruber Cameron Moll Malarkey Anil Dash Patrick Griffiths Andy Budd Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Mike Davidson john Allsopp Dean Cameron Allen Eric A. Meyer