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Jim Jarmusch's next film "The Limits of Control" is out in 09, stars Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton and John Hurt. Can't wait.
A great opening sequence to a great film:
Got Clay Shirky's idea of 'documenting failure' on the brain. Memes are infectious.
Interesting retrospective on the state of the Internet in the mid 90's (if you can bare the white on black font that it i)
Just been looking back over an old project of mine: http://www.callingamerica.c...
From one of my favouite poets, an objectivist on a quest for clarity:
"Not to reduce the thing to nothing - I might at the top of my ability stand at a window and say, look out; out there is the world" G. Oppen
Hyperrealism & the death of art, Jean Renoir on the technological advances in cinema: Fascinating and still very relevant.
@Scobleizer Awesome. Sometimes London gets it right.
@Scobleizer How did you find Oxford Street?
@ecoknowgrapher I woudn't want to disturb William Blake's spirit. I will tweet about the experience though.
@jamesfarrar I find that fascinating. Are there any crossovers in the other direction? Situations & ideas that you could apply to theatre?
contemplating visiting William Blake's tomb on Christmas day...
@jamesfarrar thanks for all the links. I see you work at ZDNet, how much influence does your theatre background have over your work there?
@jamesfarrar tyvm for that. He's not related to Laurence is he? Peter O' Toole's daughter Pat O' Toole is in the same biz:
@jamesfarrar sounds fantastic. Could your recommend some urls? And what's Global Witness?
Is there a hashtag calling for Mugabe's removal?
@guardiannews I love the Archbishop of York for speaking his mind (wish the Guardian would do that too sometimes). MUGABE MUST GO!
@jamesfarrar thanks for the interjection, yes Verfremdungstechnik is a good one. I've not heard of Richard Olivier, googling now though...
one of the great offerings of the Web imo is the pursuit of hybridity across fields of knowledge, formlessness but without loss of focus.


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