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Mmm... Asparagus Bacon Rolls. \o/
Hello new followers! No, I will not travel back in time and make sure you didn't sleep with so and so. I will not help you win the lottery.
@willsanbury all your ftp are belong to me.
@bethyma Yes, about that. If _you_ see Peter Petrelli, please tell him he owes me $20.
@andomasahashi I am sorry for what I had to do to you. I must do whatever it takes to save the world. Forgive me, my friend.
@andomasahashi I am sorry for what I had to do to you. I had no choice. I must do whatever it takes to save the world.
I cannot trust Ando any longer. I know that he will betray me when I least expect it.
All your base are belong to us? Someone set us up the bomb? Traveling back in time to teach these game makers proper English
@marcambit I think you might want to talk to @martymcfly about the sports almanac.
Has anyone seen Ando? I think I might be his father.
My blog is loaded with Spam. Contemplating a trip back in time to ensure the spammer's mother and father don't meet each other.
But first, I must get something to eat. Time is on my side, after all.
I must travel back in time to convince @tgpo's parents that his gender reassignment surgery was a bad idea.
Have I really been gone for 172d?
I have been gone so long, and now my father is dead. I must find who killed him. (T_T)
As you know we are in desperate times. I've finally found Molly Walker. I will find others. I seek assistance from you and your partner to p...
flower,contact me.