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wondering how I got 58 followers when I hardly ever post on here anymore
So I got a new tech job at a software company called Winscribe. I'm a software support engineer now. No strippers here. :/
So a stripper comes out for a smoke break wearing a long jacket and pink gogo boots. She bends over to pick something up, and we see it all!
i had a service call cancel on me, so i'm here at the shop. our shop is located infront of a strip club. something funny happened yesterday
looks like I'll be doing in-home service calls next month, so posts may be short, or completely funny and unique. i'll just have to see
some lady is griping because we didnt tell her to bring her power adapter in for her notebook... like we have one for every laptop ever made
GTA4 is looking good. Why does Norton take so much freakin memory to run? Norton is like a stinky, bloated whale, washed up on the shore
good morning. Nobody knows what the PC is. Most think the screen is the computer, or the tower is the modem, or even the keyboard is the PC
oh, by the way, Command and Conquer 3 is awesome!!! Haven't gotten way into it yet, so I don't know all the units. I miss my Laser General.
We just used a tip from Kevin Rose, thanks to the Broken show, and got us some discount pizza. :)
the power supplies finally came in. we're swamped now. I'm being forced to take my certs now... only if they pay for them
we've got so many computers waiting on parts its going to be a crappy day when all the parts arrive
We're pulling sort of prank on Tony. We installed Windows Vista on his computer. Boy will he be surprised when he gets back tomorrow!
thinking about how much I hate spyware... especially ones that override your screensaver, and are very hard to find and remove.
If I made a list of things that were wrong with BootCamp on the MacBook Pro, and submitted it to Apple, do you think they would care?
If you want someone to stop smoking, show them the inside of their computer. Anybody else know what I'm talking about? My god!!
oops! Some guy just called in pissed about his laptop. We had it for a week while art was gone and didn't touch it. Now we have to rush it.
slow day. not nearly as exciting as the weekend. is more entertaining than this.
just found interesting to say the least
Tony is gone today, but Art is back from vacation. I'm hungry already


the digg feed d_nation This Week in Tech