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In these chaotic economic times, many banks consider a good credit score to be somewhere in the range of Paula Dean's cholesterol level.
Everything's really gone down hill ever since I was named Time Magazine's 'Person of the Year' back in 2006.
@kellydeal Bill Hader reeks of troll nouveau. Though Sudekis does bear a slight resemblence. I'll take Hader and a good wig for the win.
@Kalli Possibly, though it remains to be seen if the Cockpunch Express has enough cup holders to contain @hotdogsladies' economic policies.
If our minivan hadn't come equipped with leather ass warmers and 16 cupholders, I might have named it the "Cockpunch Express".
@kellydeal My vote for Blago would be Bill Hader.
Don't need no credit card to ride this train? What a bunch of Huey.
@dustyd Because the media in this town are clueless when it comes to the web. But we've already beaten that horse.
Char Jib Veld Goo is an anagram for Rod Blagojevich, which in Serbian means "Man with bad hair eats tossed salad behind bars".
@bizzybee Fantastic! Once the youth have been brainwashed I can get funding for the musical I've been writing: "High School Chupacabra"
@sugarjones In your defense, I'm sure everyone was doing it.
If Sarah Palin was a folksy candidate of the people, I believe the same could have been said for Randy of the Redwoods 20 years ago.
@sugarjones What's not to love about full body neon ski suits and John Denver eating the jump at the end? Methinks doth protest too much.
This video makes sense once you realize they're skiing on a gigantic mountain of cocaine (h/t @badbanana for the vid)
I've developed a real passion for bodybuilding ever since that truck full of cadavers crashed in front of our house.
Soon Illinois Gov. Blagojevich will be just another Rod in the Illinois State Penal system.
So [INSERT METEOROLOGIST NAME HERE] where's that 3" you promised us last night?
Pro Tip: A quick way to anger your spouse is to extol their virtues of martyrdom in an overly sarcastic way.
Watching Armageddon confirms that Michael Bay should appear before an international tribunal for crimes against the laws of physics.


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