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There's so much stuff on the internet.
gah! come on already. #basecamp
multitasking totally sucks, it's a hard habit to break though.
@alaskapodshow congrats on 40!! I have about 11 months to go, but can't wait. What a great time of life!! :)
*swan dive into big ol' pile of paperwork*
Dear Kitchen Nightmare restaurateurs, Gordon Ramsey will be looking in your fridge. Now's a good time to clean it.
@Anniepants what did you order? I wasn't impressed with the food. The wine and atmosphere are simply awesome, I love!
@alisonslunch took me out to dinner at Sacks, what a fabulous evening of great food, wine and friendship! :))
I put *nap* on my to-do list today. Do I even need to tell you that it didn't get done?
@SnowCityCafe how cute is your twitter page? *proud*
At this rate, the criminals running our government will soon be in a minority. Then what?
Dick Cheney a criminal? That can't be right.
Two points for Alaska.
Hey Alaskans, be sure to welcome @SnowCityCafe to twitter!
lipstick jungle canceled? gah. such a great show.
Frankly, "being the bigger person" is just so much less satisfying.
RT@MarkBegich Latest Begich Blog: We're in the lead


Xeni Jardin Nick Douglas Roderick Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Molly E. Holzschlag Chris Brogan julien Chuck Olsen Colleen Wainwright  C.C. Chapman Beep. Howard Greenstein Simon Crowley Liz Henry Mac Starbucks Coffee John Gruber Malarkey Tony Delgrosso reese spykerman Jason Santa Maria Dean Cameron Allen Leslie Camacho nostrich Julia Roy microformats Joshua Green Allen Melissa Connolly Eric A. Meyer jozjozjoz nerdgirl Prepressology John Cruz hotdogsladies
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