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@onenjen I had a red velvet cupcake today, too! Great pregnant minds/bellies think alike! ;)
Finally accepted that trying to plan everything re this baby is futile:
Having a crappy/emotional evening. Someone stick a fork in me, I'm done.
ok... I added more info so that you can make a more educated guess. :)
Make your guess for when Finn will arrive:
Phone retrieved by husband. Couch has been placed on a strict "no phone" diet. Contractions continue.
Laughing, because of course I'm having contractions right now and no phone. But they're not the real deal -too random.
The phone has been eaten by the couch again. Had friends text Daniel so he wouldn't worry about his pregnant wife not answering phone.
What great timing for an ant infestation! Not.
I am lazy sloth of a pregnant woman... spot cleaned the damn seat and that will just have to do. Oh, hello Mrs. Crankypants!
Thinking it's lame that I have to hand wash the chair padding for the infant car seat. I'm annoyed.
@Torrie I wish *I* had cookies! :p
False labor last night has me worried about my things to do list and exhausted today. Must get stuff done, but so tired.
I should have posted these links: or I see hrs spent working on books.
Should I use or to make some photo books. You tell me.
I've shown Zo all the different dances on ElfYourself. She is only amused by the disco version. She likes the nightlife, she like to boogie.
I would like for my husband to be home now. I'm just completely exhausted.
So fun: Thanks to @jayelsel for reminding me about Elf Yourself! :)
@jayesel That is awesome! Sooo funny! I need to make my own now. :)
@mjecker :) It might be a good idea to wait to give it to him when he's strong enough to protect it from Z - because she's going to want it.


  christine Erika Jurney Jennifer Cisney Schmutzie mel... Jen Floyd Will Betheboy Riayn Barack Obama Mrs. Mogul imelda bettinger Sandra Fernandez Erica Smith Erin Catherine Connors Mary Haywood Gwen Bell Dooce nanette Jodi Jen Neil Kramer Brenda Ponnay jen B Torrie LM Jennifer Jen G. Baby Bug Michelle Woo Tracey GaughranPerez Tracy meg Adam Glickman Kelby Carr Aimee Greeblemonkey Neana Lueck
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