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@pablod I have prejudices I've been trying to shake about mainstream journalism, and it confirmed all of them.
I did tell the journalist at TIME that I reserved the right to make fun of him. I just haven't had time to do it yet.
Twitterific does automatic tinyURLs? Cool.
The hour of disemvowelling's creation, 21 November 2002:
@mightymur Mur, it's right there on Making Light. You can watch it being invented.
@johnbattelle Yup. The journalist declined to correct the error.
@Radlein Ray, I know. Only two problems: they didn't mention me, and I invented it in 2003.
@SFEley Me too. I keep thinking I invented disemvowelling.
Get this: "More & more Dems are coming out against Obama saying he is not qualified to be President." Um, no; that's Repubs about McCain.
If elections were held in the spring, I'd have to give up the Twitter Election2008 feed for Lent.
Holy cow! Look at Time's poll: Obama in all states, and the rest of the world:
I'm seeing lots of disgust for McCain exploiting Palin's "special needs" child when he doesn't even know what's the matter with it.
Still watching the election feed. All these doughy, know-it-all Republican boyos are sure Obama will raise their taxes.
The only reason we're getting off with a recession, not a depression/meltdown: other countries figure Obama's going to win.
My favorite summary so far: "Obama avoided the counterpunch and went for the clinch."
Dang. *All* the focus groups give it to Obama.
McCain's trashy eye-rolling over "the health of the mother" and union organizers in Colombia is going to be much discussed.
Still watching the Election2008 feed ... all these Young Republicans for McCain have the world's dorkiest icons.
Okay! I won my bet with my cabbie this evening: Obama's standing is higher coming out of the debate.
McCain needed a miracle. Obviously, he didn't get one.


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