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Time to clean the house!
@jayesel does wazoo=ass? lol....
Really needing to clean the house. But I don't feel like it. My mouth hurts.
Had a dentist appt to start crown today. Holy numb!
Thinking of knitting and selling coffee cozys on etsy....Hmmm....Should I??
How'd my google reader climb to 82 unread???
I'm in a relaxed mood.
It's going to be a long, cold day. MOVING DAY! :P
White chicken chili simmering on the stove for dinner. . .drools. . .
@lepirro no one. especially when it turned out the final was all handwritten. like. essay form. ugh.
@acousticgroupie i miss you too! i'm semi-available right now! I have almost 4 full weeks until the next semester!
@rialeilani i know! i so want to celebrate with a glass of wine!
@wishcake yes indeed. i love him, too. :)
Back to eating healthy. . .Now that finals are done I am feeling much less stress!
Am very glad that school is now DONE...only for the semester, but whatev.
Finals at 8am should be banned....
@shrinkingjeans and pms is about to roll into town, meaning i have gained two pounds this week. doesn't feel good. :(
@shrinkingjeans my weekend went well. i ate well. then monday happened -- it was a bad day and i ate 250 calories over my limit. Grr...
@lanakila eek! we need to exchange addresses! i have to send you one. i sent one to @Jayesel, @melissity & @Nizzle73099!


becca Crissy crystal Joshua Green Allen BEVERLY! Tom Mulrooney Dooce datapusher Lisa Warren Eden MarriottKennedy Whoorl Jon Armstrong Jennifer George Boone Laura wishcake mooshinindy Jake Peterson mwdonnelly Shamelessly Sassy Andrew Nizzle73099 Priscilla Mily hfa kylabea jamielovely Mike Mattner Melissa Kristen Fischer Benjamin Boudreau Jenna Rocco Erica B SleepyJane Cristina rialeilani