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@jlambert The signal-to-noise ratio may not be optimal but the occasional gem makes it worthwhile.
Dear Santa, I'd love to get secondary passwords for all my social networking accounts, especially Twitter!
Lol, inaugural for me! Haven't been to many meetups and happy that there are so many people here. #drupal
Headed to the inaugural SF Drupal Users Group. #drupal
@angrypirate Hell called, they want their basket back.
@akalsey RuPaul, funny! How did your Comcast work out?
Installing JavaFX has not been optimal. The 'everything you need to start developing JavaFX applications' does not include the JDK. Grr!
I was really impressed by the availability of the Sun people and thought the venue was perfect. I love an open bar!
Went to the JavaFX launch tonight in SF (thx @ bondjanebond) and saw some pretty cool demos.
@purrin Um, I wasn't aware beets ever tasted good.
Aww, Pownce is gone. I really liked their UI but I had no contacts on their network.
Stuffed! So much turkey. All I need is a nap and seconds.
Lots of Drupal module building today, permissions, admin reports, database logging. Now it's time for sleep.
@rachelclarke I can't say that the nutritional value of a creme egg has ever been a deciding factor for me. ;)
@bondjanebond How was the vacation? Where's the pictures? ;)
@szetopia TwitterBerry on the BB, Spaz on my desktop, it's an Adobe AIR app.
I saw the BlackBerry Bold this weekend and it's going to be my next phone, just as soon as the price comes down.
Setting up for our pre Quantum of Solace presentation of Casino Royale! I hope the pizza is gonna be good tonight.
@purrin So how'd the prescription pillow work out?


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