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@Scobleizer bit harsh on the Guardian but he did have some good points
The Guardian's thoughts on #leweb - Freezing cold, no internet, boring: it's a French web 2.0 conference!
Oops! Just saw that last Tweet should have read:
Still some places left on the eMarketing Award (digital or internet marketing) course in January - check out
Attended a really neat presentation by Gary Vaynerchuk at #leweb - check it out on Ustream or his own site
Just wish UK ministers could speak English as well as Christine Legard - French number 2 in government!
Just had a demo of Movable Type - very impressed and need to rethink Typepad
Marissa Mayer of Google says 40% of all searches are repeated ones #leweb
Apparently all minsiters in France must speak French at all functions #leweb
Ouch! VAT in France (at least the restaurants) is 19.6%
@stephtara thought you said you were going to bed! A wii for a Myspace party?
Been in Paris for 36 hours - how wonderful that in the area I am - Republique (sorry about accents) no-one speaks English
@DaveChaffey please, please please give us insights into your thoughts on emarketing instead of using twitter for self promotion!
CEO of biggest dating site in Europe says cost per month is 30 Eruos per month but free for women
The goal of any artist is to share his work - Paulo Coehlo
At #leweb and the first session is about to begin with Loic
Following on from last Tweet it has an excellent analogy of buidlers who build extensions and architects and builders who create houses
Another great article on .Net, this one called Plan the perfect site - excellent for all web developers


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