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If you don't want to bail out the auto industry please call your Senator tomorrow,
It's only a matter of time until the big GOOG buys out Vimeo, it's YouTube's HD cousin.
haaha, rt@statesman Full out snow in Austin now. Crazy.
Snow? It's party time!
Has anyone else had trouble installing pysqlite-2.4.1 on 10.5?
Well, eff. I just stopped my servers connection the external world and I have no idea what I did, I smell a fresh install tonight!
Just voted for @boxee on Lifehacker's quiz
I really wish that boxee had content from it beats the pants off of CNN or any other news source that boxee supports.
Going out to a show for the first time in a month. I forgot how much fun they are.
@tweetmas An or invite; that would be sweet.
Watching the Frost/Nixon Interviews; I'm really excited!
I love running into people from high school
The music at Austin Java rocks tonight! Tons of The Unicorns and other Nick T. projects, fun for the whole family!
The new King Of The HIll billboard on Lamar and 12th is one of my favorite billboards of all time. I'll post a pic later
Apparently the Obama administration is still asking for donations, where does that money go now?
Is there anyone who buys WiiWare games; if so, what's your favorite I need to find some new games
Watching Arrested Development and checking out ; I really like this idea. - "I'm going to San Antonio to meet Michael and John."


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