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going to his Orchestra holiday party, wassail and music guaranteed. i will be a lame date, since i'll be up at 5am for tomorrow's shoot
@ band practice, writing new music... In a fightclub-esque office space
my terabyte hard drive started clicking like a clydesdale-- any one recommend a really great effective & inexpensive data recovery service??
divine inspiration has struck: i opened final cut. now to finish what i started
trying to motivate to open final cut pro... i am in desperate editing-block and require divine inspiration/motivation
@curiousjosh congrats, josh! you're a total art rockstar.
still searching for my dream dog: doberman mix, 40lbs, 6 weeks old (young is good)... anyone has a friend with puppies, shoot 'em my way.
going to the pound to look for a puppy-- after securing permanent long-term dog-sitter backup (in case of travel) from the 'folks.
@lasanta : i am totally warching & armed with milk and cookies.
@curiousjosh : stick it to the man (by which i mean, @lasanta ;)
@RickWebb i saw g n'r in '06 & loved new c. democracy tunes. i might be biased tho, since i carved the word 'axl' into my ankle in 7th grade
batgirl is way less stoked now that she realizes it's bath-time.
The dogpark is rocking batgirl's (and, thusly, my) world.
saw "milk" last night. it's fantasty. i highly, highly recommend.
realizing it is actually next tuesday she is on the sitcom "rita rocks": thanks, @pfeister!
i'm on the sitcom "rita rocks" tonight: w/ some hilarious geniuses from madTV & "Little Shop of Horrors" O.G. cast
i really want to adopt this beautiful blonde doberman puppy... to be or not to be, that is the adoption application question
slowly getting back up on the horse, now that i'm back on the west coast
been twitter-free in north carolina for the last week, resurfaced for brief email-stint, bout to go back into the hole
on the east coast.


Evan Williams Tim Roberts sara Steve Jenson Lars Chris Wetherell veen Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Chris Jones danah boyd Xeni Jardin derek dukes Nick Douglas Andrew Crow Paul Thrasher Brian Oberkirch Paul Terry Walhus Micah Alpern Liz Dunn Hillary Hartley Jeff Bonforte michael lambie tommy payne Jeremy Hubert Scott Beale Erika Hall bryan mason Rob Hayes Oren Michels the daniel Lowell Goss Aubrey Sabala Hiten Shah Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters
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