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Still hoping to sell my ticket to the sold-out Gnomedex 2008 conference... DM me an offer if you need one...
@drutherford I emailed you, but with Gmail's woes you may not get it. Just offer me something reasonable, I'm sure we can come to terms.
Still need to sell my Gnomedex 2008 ticket. Selling at a loss to recoup some cash... DM me if you haven't bought a ticket yet...
Just unfollowed everyone on my list who doesn't have an avatar. Is that rude? I mean how interesting can ub if u can't muster up a pic?
Tweeting my rant of the day:
Would even consider indecent offers! Ha! (rimshot...)
I have a ticket to Gnomedex 2008 and I can't go! Anyone want to buy the ticket? Paid $549, would accept any decent offer.
Turning the Twitter fire hose back on. Let's see how long I can drink from it this time! :)
Can anyone hook me up with a brightkite invite?
Can NE1 hook me up with a BrightKite invite?
@laughingsquid re the popcorn cell phone thing, I can't explain how they did it but that HAS to be a hoax...
Watching Last Comic Standing (thank you Tivo) and reminded of the old joke: Wow, a thousand out of work comedians, and I get YOU... :)
Listening to Usher's Bad Girl. Get at me bad girl. :)
@twhirl Twhirl u.0.7.5, Leopard, Camino default browser. When I click on a URL, focus switches to browser but the page doesn't load. Ideas?
Geez, Vista and Office 2007 is a pain. Hey MS - Quit moving shit around, just make it secure please and leave the features where I expect!
@Busymom If you're not into Yoga, and you have half a brain... ;) You'r not COMPLETELY alone...
@besttechie @jennm311 Yeah, it's quiet, but to be honest, it's nice to hear from my less vocal tweets. Scoble tweets SO MUCH for example.
@jennm311 VMware's USB features work great. Parallels, not so much. If you need to sync an iPhone to your VM for example. Parallels=fail.
@tapps u got crazy skillz


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