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i refuse to answer emails sent within 10 minutes of my departure time
*unfollows dearzend*
@jsjohnst go go gadget blindness?
Tweeting while giving blood. Yup, I'm a geek.
Facebook Connect > OpenID? i don't think so...
@CalEvans personally I don't think anything from Wham is a real song anyway
I guess I'll do the lights this weekend instead
Carol of the Bells is definitely one of my favorites
Another chilly one today. DefiniteLy glad I work inside!
so I go to try out Titanium and it needs RubyGems on OS X. So I go to get it and the site is "Temporarily Unavailable". go figure.
@cereal_girl to which you respond "are you Locutus?"
@ijansch nice advent piece (and thanks for the mention!)