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@HayshaBob Hey guys! I don't know what you mean though; "What townhouse"
@nikieggert How are you doing both online shopping AND pulling boxes from the attic?
Damn...that moon IS bright tonight!
I mean, I'm a god damn poser. Nothing to see here, move along folks.
Wow. Someone in Japan found my old website and invited me to give a lecture. My god, my web presence completely sucks.
@nikieggert haha! I love that joke ;)
@mositampa Harry Potter shouldn't be at sci-museum UNLESS science is integrated into exhibit. Then it's a useful way to capture kids att'n
What is with the Karen Carpenter Christmas songs here at Panera? What, are they trying to make me hungry?
Impressed with the J. Paul @GettyMuseum of Art. The personal touch after the follow is a smart use of Twitter, I just learned something ;)
Today's plans totally fall apart, so I'm back at my window seat at Panera Bread on Lake Eola finishing ZeroGravityFilms stuff alas.
Having an extremely surreal moment: Tweeting from my old FerlLab computer at UF that STILL have SETI@Home v3.08 running. Colliding worlds!
Okay, this is the coolest astronomical data I've ever seen: star motion recorded over 16 years of observation, w/ movies!
Just saw a Chevy Silverado with blue & red lights as an unmarked police car in Orlando.
After that phone call, 2008 might just wrap up a lot cooler than I thought it would.
RT @cyn3matic LOVE IT! Obama pick of Steven Chu says to global climate crisis deniers "#SUCKIT"
Steven Chu, Obama's pick of DoE Secretary, also helped start Energy Biosciences Institute. I don't think McCain would have been THIS cool
Steven Chu, Molecular Biologist heading Dept of Energy. Take a wild guess where money is going to be going for Alt Energy. VERY COOL
Wow @barackobama picked nobel prize winning physicist and Molecular & Cell Biologist as Secretary of the Department of Energy.
Jabba the Hut appears to have infected Princess Leia. (yes I know I am going to hell)
@danschawbel Not just no, but hell no.


danah boyd om Josh Hallett Alex Rudloff Jim Long Alex de Carvalho Orlando Fringe Ryan Price Stephen Fleming joshuamckenty Joshua Blount Chris Scott Missy Ward Sarah Perez ted murphy Jake McKee Michael Mealling Nik Wilets Brian Johnson Dave Troy John Rife Barack Obama Ariel Waldman Andrew Hoppin Chris Thilk Frank Gruber Leah Jones Robert Nelson Joseph Thornley Fred Wilson brian quain Vanessa Quain Etan Horowitz Orlando Sentinel David All Jason Seifer
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