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@melissity we are seeing them on 12/20!
I want to kill my dog.
We got a new vehicle, one that will actually get us out of our driveway when it snows!
i feel like a fat lard.
uh oh, i feel pukey. please please please no flu right before turkey day.
New session post at the Catapult Photography blog: http://catapultphotography....
I have already screamed "NO" at Sasha 50 times this morning. NO you can not eat the cats. NO NO NO.
I feel like I'm moving in slow motion today.
it's snowing.
wow, slept for like 10 hours and I feel great for a change!
haha....need to make this protected.
so glad it's going to be warmish for my shoot later.
Booking a wedding at more than twice the price you booked your last one at feels pretty awesome. Celebrating tonight for sure!
so annoyed.
@tencentwings wow, do i ever remember nights like that, and rarely miss them!
Diet Coke, I love you.
New blog post with lots of session images at the Catapult Photography Blog: http://catapultphotography....
watching boyfriend struggle putting lights on our tree. haha.
I really need a secretary.


Noam Lovinsky Kitta becca Melanie C reese emily Helen E. Jennifer Melissa M. roxanne carter Sarah Jenny Frazier thaumata eskiegirl Elizabeth Grace Karen Ziemkowski Melissa miggyt Mel slisli tannieo Episodic ChilliGaz carrie Alicia Hannah Naomi