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@AntonioCapo I'm local in Menlo, hoping to make it. #svtweetup
See @FastCompany - 10 experts predict how web 2.0 will evolve in 2009 -
I got my laptop!!! Now to spend 2 days restoring more data...
Meeting @Glennia & @citymama & new friends for lunch in PA.
Doing the happy dance - getting my laptop back after 2 weeks in the shop! Man that was painful.
See also @mlsif liveblog from Berkman: "Organizing in an Age of Surplus Powerfulness" -
Reading the fascinating liveblog on techPresident about the Berkman Internet & Politics conference -
41 days until President Obama takes office. I like my Obama Countdown widget.
@PunditMom yes it would; I'm resisting the urge to break out in Cinderella song with birdies tweeting ;)
Got totally sidetracked following @govtwit
Check out the @govtwit directory - courtesy @nancyscola & Matt Burton of http://www.personaldemocrac...
Sounds like I might finally get my laptop back today! I'm in an awful state of withdrawl!
Research, research, more research. Good thing I don't mind it...
@bberrymom it's just me so far... I'll get more info soon.
Woohoo - just got the news - I'll be running a "Core Conversation" workshop/discussion @ SXSW Interactive - 2.0
Brain fried - spent over 24 hours of the weekend researching, writing & editing.
Trying to rebuild old hard drive data onto new one. fun fun...
Finished writing a 16 page document due tomorrow... 2 more to do ASAP.
Feeling disconnected - going on 2 weeks with minimal email since computer died... Still piecing things back together.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams sara veen Jerry Michalski danah boyd Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton om Dave McClure Chris MacDonald Jonathan Greene enoch choi Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Emily Davidow Jonathan Wight Clay Johnson Karl Frisch Dave Morin Dave Winer Glenda Nancy Scola Steven Clift Joanne Wan Caterina Molly E. Holzschlag Zack Rosen Edward Vielmetti Sam Perry nicco mele Mark Frauenfelder Beth Kanter Elisa Camahort Glennia
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