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我的博客对 Google 还是挺有好的,访问量也相当不错:
Google 的产品普及速度惊人!~~
刚刚发现 Google Reader 改版了
我的网站首页现应用了 Google Friend Connect ,哈哈, 上月用了 4G 的流量,成绩不错
Graphical Internet - Add thunderbird as an email client.
Select GNOME Software Development, KDE Software Development and X Software Development.
Select both GNOME Desktop Environment and KDE (K Desktop Environment)
# Office and Productivity - [Highly Recommended] # Software Development - [Highly Recommended / Required]
刚刚阅读完毕 Fedora 升级向导
Hit Ctrl+O to write the file to disk, and then hit Ctrl+X to exit Nano
run command: nano /etc/inittab , find the line that includes the text initdefault. Change the numeral 3 to 5.
change the password entry in the /boot/grub/grub.conf file.
the GRUB menu defaults to being hidden, except on dual-boot systems.
a separate /home partition on systems that store user data.
A Fedora system has at least three partitions: /boot , / as well as swap partition
su -c 'tar czf /tmp/etc-`date +%F`.tar.gz /etc' su -c 'mv /tmp/etc-*.tar.gz /home'
rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME} %{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} %{ARCH}\n' > ~/old-pkglist.txt


Evan Williams sara Alissa Elliott Ng Bon Adrianna Tan Elea 盗盗 hhalloyy Emily Chang dannyyu number5 文心 virushuo Vista  Isaac Mao shizhao Yuan Yijun CNN Breaking News sayonly Carol 工頭 Technorati Dale Lane zheng yunshen Bill Clinton Manatee Steve Rubel cat Ken Wong(幻灭) keso nings Raine Daniel fengleilei 左岸
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