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Nice day skiing Winter Park. Not much open, but still enough to tire me out before return to DEN-DCA.
Headed to Boulder for Silicon Flatirons Law and Ethics of Network Monitoring,
DCA-DEN. Since the skis are packed, I don't so much mind a flight delay caused by snow in Denver.
If the Drew verdict stands, we'll all have to do personal contract audits: how many TOSs have you blindly 'accepted' and exceeded today?
@djweitzner hope you're right new tech can revitalize opera audiences (the music, not the browser). From 50+ yrs of bcasts
The WSJ recycles story on "free porn-free Internet"; I'll repeat comment against:
Only upside to Continental-driven day at EWR: the chance to read Jamie Boyle's fab _Public Domain_ http://www.thepublicdomain....
Creator of NYT Twitter box apparently not a user, as he doesn't include usernames of the famous tweeple profiled --
Flight from EWR cancelled. At least flight-search let us know before battling the traffic out.
Leaving snowy Stockbridge for rainy DC. Will airports be as empty as on the outward trip?
Sad to miss Information Superhighway -- on the wrong side of the state, but closer to ski & turkey
First ski day of the year. My legs will be reminding me that tomorrow.
Skiing: Time to compare actual VT snowfall to posted optimism.
Stockbridge, Massachusetts, has a fine tradition of 'Thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat,' but we'll try.
DCA en route to Stockbridge, MA, for turkey.
What's more fun than riding to the office in snow flurries? Doing it twice, with a visit from Comcast in between.
rt @brianbehlendorf Will tech leaders get to push $-saving but *disruptive* change? Freedom to try a 1.0 idea, fail, and still do a 2.0?
@TelstarLogistic wish I could join the ski house, but it would cost 10x as much to get out there from DC :(
Headed back from fantastic #cnbloggercon. Will use the long plane flight to reflect and write up thoughts.
Best place I've yet heard 'yes we can,' from Chinese bloggers celebrating after #cnbloggercon. GObama!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Rael Dornfest Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Ross tedr Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Dave Winer GregElin Jake Shapiro Guan Yang Mark Frauenfelder Tantek Çelik Paul Jones debs Bre Pettis Howard Greenstein Mickipedia Auren Hoffman Robert Scoble Paul Downey frank Anil Dash Chris DiBona jimbo wales Danny Isaac Mao Kevin Marks James Governor andy sternberg
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