Crystal Williams’s Favorites

Christofer Hoff
Beaker Hey, Amazon! Congrats on the EC2 prod.-ready status. Can I now have a fucking Kindle that doesn't look like a X between a Wii & tupperware
MackReed Whoa- for a few minutes there Twitter was demanding my in-house password. Uh, no gots right now. Can I haz one? Want to meet the failwhale.
Will Betheboy
betheboy @davidmarkland are you standing next to me at Starbucks?
luxuryluke #coffee {float: left; heat:80ÂșC;} #mouse {float: right; position: absolute;}
toonlet McCain: "I work for you" Good. You're fired.
Remiel Real-time earthquake updates are exciting, but I'm really looking forward to everyone live-tweeting the Rapture.
Christofer Hoff
Beaker POC code for near-zero day 'sploits is like SPAM advertising penis-extending drugs...the only dick it's helping is the one writing it
phillygirl Drinking wine & grading papers. Everybody wins!
phillygirl Hyperventilating. Signs all over thanking us for our "patients" and I, but one woman with a Sharpie.
Alex Hillman
alexknowshtml sometimes i wish i didn't know html.
Remiel Email subject to me: "URGENT ACTION REQUIRED, thanks." Replying with "HOLY SHIT IT'S FUCKING FIXED, you're welcome."
Strom Carlson
stromcarlson The battery acid burn on my tongue is healing up nicely
phillygirl Watched LittleHouseOnThePrairie in hotel gym. Oh yes I did. Changed ch. few times to look lk I was channel surfing. I was not channl surfng.
phillygirl Kid who just walked past had his pants tucked into his socks. He was also carrying an instrument case, but I suppose that's already implied.
phillygirl Daffodils are always yellower on the other side of the fence. But they're yellowest in a vase after you've ripped them out & run like hell.
Garrett Kelly
boontdustie just learned from the ex-stripper barista across the street that there is hidden rivalry between pole dancers and burlesque performers.
Chris Gagne
chrisgagne I am going to make a t-shirt that says "Gill Sans" but in Verdana. I will marry the first girl who notices.
phillygirl Handwritten sign in a dorm window: "Massage headquarters". This is the 10 o'clock news waiting to happen.
dakami Beer's Law of Reciprocating System Dynamics: Some mistakes are too fun to make only once.


crystal Evan Williams veen Chris Sacca danah boyd Jason Cosper seanbonner Xeni Jardin Brad Barrish kareem Andrew Crow Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch todd thille michael lambie Jeremy Hubert Scott Beale Jim Kleckner the daniel Jason Calacanis Glenda Tim Bonnemann Derek Powazek James Walker randy stewart brady forrest Pete Prodoehl Jason Fields Alex Hillman Joe Crawford Chris Brogan drew olanoff Veronica Belmont Zadi Diaz Boris Mann
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