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@thehumanaught Another country heard from, aye? ;-)
@sioksiok Brits do it better: Tracy Ullman, Mark Addy, Hugh Lawrie...Great Amer. accent considering he was a Black Adder
@MissXu: seems to me that YOU are stalking ME...MY plane leaves GZ first ;-) Coming back same day, you? ha
@charlesharper @sioksiok Worse than Kevin Costner in Robin Hood,but Chinese audience did not notice--excpet the profs who went to Oxford ;-)
Just returned from US touring production of Canterville Ghost. Glad ticket was free. Some Yanks should avoid Brit accents ;-)
@scottsykes SEO event is in Shanghai Thursday.Would love to do one anytime w/ say @sinotechian in BJ (hint Matt)
@lucase The nextstep SEO event should be fun...Looking forward to your input too!!
Just had a great transcontinental chat with @FonsTuinstra ...If you want the skinny on China are not following him, do: @chinaherald
I love getting "You are invited..." mesages from the local Chinese Universities. That translates to "We expect your Laowai self to attend"
Shanghai event: SEO and Social Media Explained...NextStep sponsored:
Retweeting @isaac: @barackobama please quit smoking
@shelisrael Seeing more references to "Twitterville"of late.Great.Reminds me of "Muse City"-a bunch of us used to hide /chat on UofM servers
@shelisrael Yep, Iacoca wanted a functional company not a house in the Berkshires for his bail out...
Retweeting @wolfgroupasia: New Silicon Hutong post: China and a New Public Diplomacy:
RT @theGypsy Good post by @JohnMu Hackers stealing your PageRank: -SEO crackers more & more common HT @bloggeries
Fishing for interest: DM me if you think you know folks who'd like a summer paid internship in Digital Media Marketing in China
RT @jim_turner: yesterday, some1 raised the quesetion of authenticity of @JackCanfield , since there is no webiste provided in the bio??? Hm
@jackcanfield of Chicken Soup fame is now in Twitterville....
Speak, Write Web @webwednesday Guangzhou w/Rebecca Mackinnon, APR's Scott Tong and AdAge's Normandy Madden


danah boyd Tara missrogue Hunt adam Hiten Shah Jason Calacanis Elliott Ng IN Hsieh Russ Thornton Saurabh Garg Guan Yang Christopher Savage Chris Brogan Whitney Hoffman Brian Conley Bill Palmer John Federico Michael Bailey Robert French Doug Haslam Jim Long Shane Kuanyin Moi Brian Solis Andy Kaufman Michael Adam Broitman Todd R Jordan  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Kevin Lim Starbucks Coffee LEMONed Brett Nordquist Derek Mehraban Vista  David
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