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@disconn3ct has a the first breakdown of the ADP1 (Android Developer Phone 1) on his site w/ guest author JF:
Nice Android/G1 hacking Wiki:
Pownce acquired/shutdown: Sign of the times?
Sequoia preso advising VC folks how to deal with economic crisis. Summary: Hold your cash. Buy more 4 less later.
@film_girl Nice G1 articles at Wouldn't have known about twitroid.
@dabr renders perfectly on the G1. ("Followers" and "About" wrap in vertical view mode.)
Got my nerd brick!! Playing with my T-Mobile G1 phone. (Google Phone). No twitter clients yet.
If you are wondering why I started following you yesterday, it is because I just updated my list to include all new @opensolaris followers.
Bummed out I missed NYCBSDCon 2008. Oh well, there is always next year. (Damn you common cold!)
INteresting discussion last night about how a choose-your-own-adventure novel is finite state machine
At NYLUG meeting. Topic kexec/kdump. Going to Puppet meetup afterwards.
OK, so I finally was able to order a new Google phone from the T-Mobile site. Now I have to wait a month for my nerd brick to arrive.
Grrr.. Can't order the T-Mobile G-1 Android Google phone because the website is flaking out. Anyone have any luck?
Overheard: You don't make me who I am. I am not who you want me to be.
Someone is making a ton of money off this financial sector collapse. My bet is it's overseas hedge funds.
VMWare Fusion 2 Release Candidate 1 is out.
@jeremiah Why/What: Add taxes for everyone making over 100k, give the money to everyone making less than 100k. Google "redistributionist"
Getting ready to come back to New York from a week at the beach. (In Duck, NC)
If you are a NYC puppet user, a number of us are getting together at 7pm at http://www.mustangsallysny.... (Please DM me if you are coming)
Just found the really cool Firefox plugin called "Nagios checker". (Yes it does exactly what you would want, and even supports audio alerts)


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Krissy Bush Alissa Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Jason Calacanis Nelson Minar Veronica Belmont Jason Hoffman Graeme Mathieson Ben Lowery Mickipedia Rob Bevan Robert Scoble Ted Leung Otu Ekanem sizemore Major Nelson (Larry) Alex Payne John Gruber Stephen Fleming Chris Adams Status Updates jimbo wales David Edmondson cote James Governor Joe Pruitt dan mcweeney Dean Jensen
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