Reforming UN Management

United Nations management reform has been a U.S. government priority for many years. GAO has reported on some progress toward addressing needed improvements in ethics, oversight, procurement and management operations. Nevertheless, the UN has made little progress overall in

  • establishing an independent procurement bid system,
  • reforming its internal justice system,
  • improving certain budgetary and financial management functions,
  • delivering certain services,
  • reviewing programs and activities, and
  • adjusting funding arrangements that constrain the independence of its internal oversight agency.
    Highlights of GAO-06-575 (PDF), Highlights of GAO-08-84 (PDF)

Also, the Department of State needs to address factors that have slowed the pace of reform, including

  • disagreements among member states on the priorities and importance of UN management reform efforts,
  • the lack of comprehensive implementation plans for some management reform proposals,
  • administrative policies and programs that continue to complicate the implementation process, and
  • competing UN priorities that limit the capacity of UN General Assembly members to address management reform issues.
    Highlights of GAO-07-14 (PDF), Highlights of GAO-08-84 (PDF)

^ Back to topWhat Needs to Be Done

To encourage UN member states to continue to pursue the reform agenda of the 2005 World Summit, State should include in its annual U.S. Participation in the United Nations report an assessment of the effectiveness of the ongoing reforms.

Highlights of GAO-07-14 (PDF), Highlights of GAO-08-84 (PDF)

^ Back to topKey Reports

United Nations Peacekeeping: Lines of Authority for Field Procurment Remain Unclear, but Reforms Have Addressed Some Issues
GAO-08-1094, September 18, 2008
United Nations: Management Reforms and Operational Issues
GAO-08-246T, January 24, 2008
United Nations: Progress on Management Reform Efforts Has Varied
GAO-08-84, November 14, 2007
United Nations Organizations: Oversight and Accountability Could Be Strengthened by Further Instituting International Best Practices
GAO-07-597, June 18, 2007
United Nations: Management Reforms Progressing Slowly with Many Awaiting General Assembly Review
GAO-07-14, October 5, 2006
United Nations: Additional Efforts Needed to Increase U.S. Employment at U.N. Agencies
GAO-06-988, September 6, 2006
United Nations: Funding Arrangement Impede Independence of Internal Auditors
GAO-06-575, April 25, 2006
United Nations: Procurement Internal Controls Are Weak
GAO-06-577, April 25, 2006
United Nations: Reforms Progressing, but Comprehensive Assessments Needed to Measure Impact
GAO-04-339, February 13, 2004
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Jess T. Ford

Thomas Melito

Director, International Affairs and Trade

(202) 512-9601