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@peterme it's the opposite of a deflationary spiral
i'm on a call with listscape
call with
-@leftsideoftheplane hey people on the right, you have the best view. there is so much cool shit out your window. the left side are losers.
false alarm
I'm getting sick ... Sniffle, sniffle.
today is all about frequently asked questions
it's a pretty pretty day ... in south park in san francisco
back in san francisco
The Shock Doctrine is the best book I've read in years ... Unfortunately, it makes you sad to be American
Selfridges is a bloody nightmare ... Recession my arse!
overcast and warm in tel aviv ... going for a walk and maybe a meeting.
already listened to "jerusalem" by sinead o'connor ... am I hopelessly a child of the 80s? I don't think it ever leaves you. thankful4that!!
listening to "wailing wall" by the cure ... at the western wall of the temple mount in jerusalem, israel.
in israel ... will they sing happy noel?
so far not feeling the urge to face mecca, kneel down, or put my forehead to the floor. Religion is a choice, remember?
meeting curtis at the airport and then driving down to petra via the desert highway.
i'm in amman at this fancy hotel that looks like the tower of babel


Evan Williams Philip Kaplan veen Maggie Mason Noam Lovinsky Xeni Jardin Matt Jones peterme janice fraser Erika Hall President Monteiro bryan mason Thomas Vander Wal Lars Pind lane Michael Sippey Thor Muller Victor Lombardi Jeffrey McManus Ben Brown Minger Tantek Çelik Jake Berkowitz Sandy Ben Cerveny irina slutsky Mike Kuniavsky Alyssa Wodtke Liz Danzico laura Matthew Irvine Brown Jamie Divine Matt Haughey Lance Arthur Sean O'Driscoll Indi Young