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RT @debpuchalla: @emom did you see I'm donating money 2 @wellwishes (water for kids) w @pistachio for every new follower thru Sunday?
BizTechTalk BizTechTalk Briefs 12/20/2008: Mark Logic CEO Blog: Is Information Architected for Smart ..
RTW @Pistachio: @dankeldsen @mvolpe @corbett3000 @jessiex & @pmhesse - all making charitable gifts for each new follower
@tipjoy Meant that I'd "claimed"my tipjoy account by logging in via twitter. Nevermind, good to go! Tis Friday - brain.not.fully.functioning
@pmhesse Agree - Heifer does great work. True sustainability, what a concept!
@joslynpanka It's good to tweak people's brains! Sideways, upside-down, why not be slightly different? Whacky avatars FTW! :D
$10.50 so far in my twitter charity for Grameen's microcredit. Follow and add more to the cause! See
Mark Logic CEO Blog: Is Information Architected for Smart Delivery? via
Commented on Twitter Followers Meet Microcredit! (Your Actions, Magnified) / BizTechTalk
@tipjoy so is it p$0.05 or p $0.05 to trigger the transaction on your end? Twitter profile claimed already.
p$2 @wellwishes to build wells and save children’s lives (via @tipjoy)
p $2 @wellwishes to build wells and save children’s lives (via @tipjoy)
@pistachio “Twitter Followers can CREATE value. Literally.” -> funds go to Grameen microcredit
RTW @pistachio In the 7 @wellwishes days, 35k children will die w/o clean, safe drinking water. Can't accept that.
@mvolpe Thanks Mike! Looking forward to raising a bundle for Grameen! Thanks for kicking off this wave of #tweetsgiving
@tejaaa So are you based in Boston these days, or just happen to have a photo of a T station at hand?
@VMaryAbraham Ah, a zinger! :) No, we only exchanged a few words. Really neat guy though.
@VMaryAbraham Funny enough, I met the guy who wrote "I have friends in LOW places" when I was visiting in Nashville 20-ish years ago. :)
@pmhesse Heifer is a great charity! Fantastic choice. Follow @pmhesse folks, he's giving the #Twit2give a whirl as well!
BizTechTalk Twitter Followers Meet Microcredit! (Your Actions, Magnified): Twitter Followers can CREA..


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