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@TakeRoot I flip back and forth, I use the web to check my followers list. To see if there is anyone interesting following me.
@roberthruzek Robert, Howd you like that snow here in Houston yesterday? I was loving it, weak as it was.
@kirkpete They are still spending money they do not have to "own" these assets. Also they are now influencing said assets.
@jeffersonpoole Grats #TCOT has really helped me, and that is how I found you. Another thanks to @michaelpleahy for #TCOT
@Gerard_LeBlond RT "When I was a liberal I thought I was right. Now that I'm right I know that I was wrong."
RT @foxnews: WORLD: Outrage After Teacher Tells 7-Year-Olds Santa Is Fake #TCOT How dare they?
@HenryBaker It would probably confuse your mind to find out conservatives are for *more* rights, not less. #TCOT. Your spam feeds me. :D Blago Recounts Vow to Mom: ‘I’ll Never Take Bribes’ #TCOT - LOL LOL LOL
@utvolfan That made me want to vomit. I fear for my childrens future.
Not sure if any others on #TCOT like the B-Cast but I have been talking to them trying to get them on #TCOT
@mjbwolf I had never heard of a pixie bob before. Not sure I would want one. Malkin: “Why is the No. 4 ranking Republican serving as the leading crusader for the automaker bailout?”
@electadam Welcome to @TCOT and twitter Adam
@zpetersen @michaelpleahy With permission, I would like to get started on code to make following easier @ #TCOT
@michellemalkin Could not agree more, the 1st bailout outraged me. Especially when I learned of the 150b in pork. Dented my desk that day.
@J_T_Ray Ive had some followed for weeks. Disappointed in the non-return follow.
@jeffersonpoole Nice, I was your 500th follower. :D
#TCOT To rebuild conservatism, we must be fierce about holding true to conservative ideals. Family values, Less Government, Less taxes
@ericjodom I drink coffee all morning, and afternoon then I switch to Diet Pepsi Max's. Think I am an addict?
@beartwinsmom Thats rough. Happened to my family during .com bust. We are doing better, but still feel the pains. Wishing you well


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