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The Stand In may be back on set lothing himself and the business at large. A new web site is in the works too. Stay tuned.
@newmediajim Dammit Jim, I'm a Stand-In not a coffee pot!
On the clock in less than 8 hours.
I thought I'd seen everything.
This just in... The Camera Department thinks the DOP is a snake..
@jenmovies we need to set a date. Make an appointment. That kind of thing. I so don't have the time or the energy to linger online af ...
I wave between a profound and humbling sense of gratitude to a penetrating guilt and extreme self-loathing being a STAND IN. Is this normal?
Direct from @Nailhead: When sitting on an apple box, our crew calls it an ATG adapter (Ass To Ground).
Sitting on an APPLE BOX in the hallway next to the SOUND MIXER outside the room which is serving as SET at this LOCAION.
The ACTRESS is so tall she has to act in the scene without shoes on. All the other seated ACTORS have to be elevated as does the table.
On the set of a FEATURE FILM, I an a Stand In...only on Twitter.
Do you feel like we do.
An ACTOR is doing fall after fall as part of the SCENE. I'd want extra pay and I'd be entitled to it. Ouch. This is verging on STUNT ACTION.
I guess some people are actually born without a sense of humor. Incredible.
Currently the ON SET time is 10 minutes after CRAFT SERVICE usually complains that the CREW is eating all the food.
Shooting a new scene on the same set. The same small hot set.
On the new Nintendo they can send messages back and forth. There's stimulating dialog. 'You stink', 'No, you do'. 'Shut up'. 'You shut up'.
Some child EXTRAS are sitting together in EXTRAS HOLDING playing Nintendo and one of them just said to their video console 'die, die, die!'
Some child EXTRAS are sitting together in EXTRAS HOLDING playing Minudoe


john Brett Petersel Christian Sv Kolding Chris Campbell Dante Optical Frank Gilroy Justin Kownacki Harold Chuck Olsen Steve Woolf Jim Long RT Herwig John Janina Robert Scoble Steve Rhodes Vanessa Stacy Rex Sorgatz neovids Stefano PassioneMobile fest mob Rick Rey Justin Angela Sauceda Adam Bullied lance weiler arincrumley MByrd Producer Bill Marc Nathan Sarah Jo Brian Chirls Lan Bui Joe Coughlin Carlo
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