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@jamesnw re-import the audio? I get aiff wonkiness now and then.
TwitFon: proof that an iPhone Twitter app can be snappy & functional. Devs, take note.
My brain is code-fried. Heading to bed.
Actionscript, Bah!! The inconsistencies are maddening. Of course, I'm not using AS3 yet.
@drkirwin Be sure to look up "All Day Ice Cream" (walking around NYC @ subzero temps: will it melt?)
@jenniferdavis "declination" is the difference between true and magnetic north (important when map reading). Deck-line-ATION!
@$!#% Front Row! Accidentally hit, now it's locked up.
@scottmcclellan Praying for you - and the kid whose life you are changing for eternity.
@timastevens Hang in there. "...if it's from man, it wil fail. But if it's from God, it can't be stopped" (paraphrasing)
I need those f-f-fingerless gloves to work in m-m-my arctic office!
Working from home on a cold, cold, frozen Portland day. Fortunately, I stocked up with project files. Slip waffles under office door.
Changing client sites' DNS, headache!
@jamesnw fascinating, but I want a follow:followed ratio as wide as possible!
@5tu "Brewtus"- LOL love the name! Sounds burly. Perfect for brewing Stumptown roast (sounds like manly logger's brew).
@Filmbot Using Aperture (better organization), love Lightroom (nicer RAW rendering) too though.
@chartier I heart Evernote for that too, it's just so slow to respond when I NEED that cam image NOW.
@jamesnw @GQmacguy You might need the SealSkinz gore-tex socks underneath, though, at least in the NW.
is realizing that Winter has snuck up on him with a non-Winterized house. Winter is like that sometimes.
A week of sub-freezing temps! It warms the cockles of my Rocky Mountain heart.


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