Paul Skudlarek’s Favorites

Jacqui Cheng
ejacqui There's a new hot guy working at Argo Tea today, but I got just the slightest wafting of fabulous vibes.
hotdogsladies Conceit that you have the buddha-dharma thing licked crumbles when you realize the machine you're screaming at is not plugged in.
John Moltz
Moltz Douchitus bagitus.
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson Every motivational poster ends with the invisible tagline, "Now shut the fuck up and go back to your cubicle."
Lincoln Adams
Linc4Justice There's nothing quite as exhilarating as snaking around traffic at 100 miles an hour on the freeway to the tune of Eye of the Tiger. =)
Ainsley Drew
AinsleyofAttack Convinced him to role play that I was a one night stand. The sex isn't boring, I just want an awkward, free breakfast.
hotdogsladies Okay, I get it. "Family-friendly" means your kids and you will both find it condescending; just in different, wholesome ways.
johnroderick December in Seattle is a magical time. All the cute barista girls are so numbed by seasonal affective disorder it's like they're hypnotized.
Jon Deal
zuhl Net result when two people with ADD talk to each other on IM? Chat history is a mile long and covers 18 subjects, but only takes 20 minutes.
Aubrey Sabala
Aubs Maybe live Twittering my jury duty will be reason enough to dismiss me. Or else this case of severe Tourette's that I'm about to acquire.
shoesonwrong Holiday drinking is like the Boston Marathon. You think you can do it, but unless you've trained all year, you end up bent over and heaving.
hotdogsladies There's more to new age music than drinking herbal tea and gently urinating on a piano for an hour; you'll also need some hippies with cash.
Jon Deal
zuhl When the 5 yr old tells a joke, she pauses before the punchline, looks around at everyone and then says, "OK, here comes the funny part."
Scott Austin
sjaustin Abel asked for orange juice "with no plop" at Dunkin Donuts this morning. Cute, but he still got a spanking for being an OJ sissy.
Abigail Alger
abbyalger "Paging [so and so]. Please return to the US Airways ticket counter in regards to your gun case." Good thing I'm flying Southwest.
cybertoad my co-worker's husband just called her - he lost his wedding ring in a pig (he was gutting a carcass)
Sarah Lane
sarahlane Excited about @martinsargent's idea for a new show. It's slightly psycho, but so is Martin. If all goes well you'll see me in spandex soon.
peeppeep it's not that I WANT diabetes, it's just that the commercials make it look so glamorous.
Steve Lopez
steelopus I've spent the last 15 minutes eating the white tips off of candy corn and discarding the rest. Send help soon.
Meg Fowler
megfowler if you find yourself inventing new words for twitter that begin with a "tw", kindly come here so i can beat you with a nerf bat.


Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams sara Livia Steve Jenson seanbonner Xeni Jardin Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Aubrey Sabala Jason Calacanis Justine Veronica Belmont Jim Long Snook Robert Scoble irina slutsky Jennifer Maddrell Alex Payne John Gruber teh_real_chock Gedeon Maheux Tony Delgrosso Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng Status Updates Carlo Zottmann Justin Thorp Elizabeth Chuck Tom Merritt nostrich Coley Wopperer Adam Schoales Jae Erick Erickson
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