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Breaking News: Liberal leader Stephané Dion will step down before Wednesday - GlobalTV
@Norlinda Last seen in 'Zack and Miri Make a Porno'.
@JamesLumb Photo files? Around 5 GB so far, but I was hoping to put more of my photos up in higher resolution.
Reading about optimizing my WordPress blog. Now that I'm on Dreamhost PS, I wonder if I'd save money by moving files to Amazon S3.
Fred Armisen *finally* had a funny Obama sketch.
@misterjt What did you buy? I need new music.
@celeduc Move that silly stuff off your front page. It's what I did.
@geekandahalf Don't hate me - but I only got 10 pages in and had to stop.
Loving the internet and how it brings people together. Now going analog with a book , and a honeycrisp apple for a snack.
@kcxd Brushes with greatness. :)
@lordtrilink I haven't seen Sweeney Todd. I was told it was too bloody for my delicate constitution.
I think Alan Rickman is one of the main reasons I enjoy the Potter movies as much as I do.
@vajra I keep thinking it might be fun with the right people. We could turn it into a MST3K experience.
@gnumoon Like you can actually *see* the funk waves wafting off his body in photos.
@jodiferous They might if Elton John was a vampire. Come to think of it, maybe he *is*.


Jerry Richardson danah boyd Scott Beale Jackson West George Kelly Sooz dustin senos Courtney P Molly E. Holzschlag Ruby Sinreich Rob Cottingham Snook irina slutsky jeneane sessum photomatt kris krug Richard Liz Henry Steve Rhodes Ernie Hsiung Anil Dash Kristasphere jessamyn west Jesse Baer jbrotherlove CNN Breaking News Rannie Turingan Jenifer Hanen Kaia E Brown Tris Hussey Tod Todd "Big La" Kelley Twitterrific Heather Brandon Roland Tanglao
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