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jj may be perfectly innocent. my job is to ask tough ?s, as we didn't ask bush.
@lou21 huh, i said we get paid to ask tough questions.
@jackieguerra why didn't they wait for him to actually commit the crime tho?
goldfard finally explains who's number two? and who no 2 is working for? (just kidding about second part, my kids love austin power.)
today at 3p, was blago busted hastily to stop him from giving obama senate seat to JJ Jr? "emissary" may be named!
*FRP* 3pm... rick shares the latest on child's remains found in florida, less than a mile from home of caylee anthony's grandparents
no fatal, pero dano
debe de estar preocupado porque le puede hacer dano.
obama esta explicando lo de blago delicadamente.
estoy en cnn espanol. im on cnn esp. obama hablando ahora, hablo con fiscales o no? did he talk to us att or not?
somebody offered blago 500 k for jj jr, he says. will that person sing today?
expect to hear from jj jr soon. likely during wolf's hour. doc bad, but not horrible.
jesse jackson jr will speak to reporters now, hired pr firm... huh?
u know what else im into today? if this guy was shaking people down left and right? , why didn't anybody report it? business as usual?
@dondeblah we hate you like poison!!!! lol
@punkwithapen his son and mine played ball together and bernie and i coached the team. just pee wee stuff.
btw, hard to lose weight, i could tell you that!
oprah can't lose the weight? just can't do it? why is this story so fascinating to people?
why did valerie jarrett abrubtly not want senate gig? why isn't jesse jackson jr talking about his meet with gov? curious?
@misstraceynolan thx, i feel bad i had to keep her short, but u know. she has her story and i have mine.. the show.


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