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Bells on bobtails ring. Macon's spirits bright.
@rozlemieux took the plunge and went to Rockville. I'm hope alone with my mistress, CouchDB.
Rest of the day dedicated to laundry and mapreduce
Got the christmas tree. Cat testing the capabilities of the stand.
Why do I want Oprah tickets rather than Obama tickets? Ummm, hello free car! duh.
Screw inauguration tickets. I want Oprah tickets.
Thanks @avantgame for the shoutout last month!
So tired of the progressive argument of "yes, they're messed up, but we need their money"
Cannot believe Joe Rospars had anything to do with sending an email out about winter hats.
Grit grit grit
@felskia sounds like I need to put some more sites on your desk.
Roz and I have some basically new in-window air conditioners we're trying to get rid of. Free. Interested? DM me.
forgot to mention: My train caught on fire on the way to work this morning. SERIOUSLY IT CAUGHT ON FIRE
Breaking news from the New York Times: "you're in financial ruin and have litthe chance of survival. Oh wait that's us nm"
GE at 15.50. Wow.
Need a plumber... Like now. Reccs?
(If only I had time to make it)
Screenshotting an awesome project idea for a non-sunlighty side project.
Am I the only one that thinks that Gladwell books are trite pseudoscience?
Does anybody need a couch? The most comfortable couch in the world? @RozLemieux is kicking it out of the house. It needs a good home.


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