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@danielnaumann It's the 21st century equivalent of talking loudly in a bar so other people can overhear how 'interesting' and 'cool' you are
annoyed that i cant make it to the cogapp xmas party cos I am babysitting.
one of my pet chicens just died. Yoko, you were a good friend.
Top posts this year on on
had so much fun at the #skiff and #upstairsatgemini last night! thanks everyone for being so welcoming :)
might pop to the skiff in a bit. dm me if you're there. . .
New Google Reader: Rollovertastic
@bruceboughton haha synchronized moaning!
Waaah! What have they done to google reader? It's like coming home to find your place has been ransacked
Multiple select controls must evolve or die
Whever I read the phrase "drive traffic to your site" I shudder. Satisfied users ≠ traffic. Traffic = beep beep cough cough.
@aoife remindustry me tomorrow and i should be able to help out with your facet stuff :-)
@yandle whats the rabbit app like?
@delarge and I are musing over how not enough jokes these days start with "I say, I say, I say..." ...Our lost heritage of old jokes.
Ahh, they don’t make ‘em like they used to…
@opherd look at the design reviews page. On second thoughts they probably spend a lot more time than I suggested.
Amazed to read the Nielsen-Norman group charge almost £50,000 for a usability evaluation that must take about 3-4 billed days. Wow.
@gavinwye what's your email address mate?
The unsubscribe roach motel: an email subscription anti-pattern


ribot Erik Jeremy Keith Richard Rutter David Stone Josh Russell Jim Callender leisa Danny Hope Aral Fredy D. Ore James Box Capn Sensible Ben Sauer Mat Walker martin storey pete Aoife karl Louise Mimi Paul Burgess Anna Jane Dallaway Simon Harriyott Trevor May Mary Nolan Jenni Lloyd Glenn Jones Bruce Boughton Andy Baker Rosie Sherry Steve Purkiss Andy Gibson Gavin Wye James Wragg