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This is way cool - music on vegetables!
Struggling to figure out some books to buy for the wife before our trip. She has run out and that's, apparently, my problem to fix.
Retweeting @wilw: CNN is canceling sci/space/enviro/tech news, but keeping The Shrieking Harpy Hour with Nancy Grace on HLN. Way to incr ...
Pro 8 The Musical - too funny
@wilw 2 books (bias warning) Programming Ruby by Dave Thomas and Agile Web Development with Rails by Dave Thomas. Feel free to DM with ?s
@greggrunberg I don't use my Gamecube anymore, you can have mine.
@garyvee Playing World of Warcraft
@kellysue I think if you've been registered with NetSol for at least 6 months you should have no problems.
@kellysue Yes, but it's usually "locked" for a period of time after the initial registration. I can't remember how long, though
@davidvirtub What, no alarm bells? Ask Kraley about the Interchange red, yellow green lights.
Let's hear it for Karma - the jerk who parked his car across 2 parking spots (half in each so it's deliberate) left his lights on.
Very psyched - Blizzard sent me a Collector's Edition of Lich King and I got it this morning.
Dear @barackobama Just buy the kids the damn dog *they* want.
A little WoW Halloween joy


David Young Scott Kurtz Tom Westberg Mignon Fogarty David Coletta Barack Obama BrianReed sohmer Wil Wheaton Stephen Colbert Andrew Baron Jonathan Coulton Rusty Williams Cory Doctorow Jim Louderback Rails Leo Laporte Sarah Lacy Gary Vaynerchuk Socialthing! Dan Benjamin Kelly Sue DeConnick Warren Ellis Esther Schindler Dawn Ferragamo Dan Evans III jeph jacques Brian Fife Felicia Day theguild Guy Kawasaki Gordie mattfraction ejfife kleavitt Adam Crane