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New blog post: Market by the Numbers: 21 Small Business Profit Boosters (#9)
On the way home, we watched a white-tail buck cross two streets -- using the crosswalks, and waiting for the light. I PROMISE IT'S TRUE.
Drove waaaay out of town to cut our own Christmas tree. It was a great little 5-hour diversion. Memories in the making!
@masscontrolkern ... that whole MLM thing reminded me of : http://www.believethemovie.... (anyone who's "drawn circles" will get a laugh)
@jpmaroney That's AWESOME... wow. Cool.
New blog post: Market by the Calendar: 21 Small Business Profit Boosters (#8)
Watch as many people emulate this: (worthy of study... like Transoformers, more than meets the eye!).
Bright & early, headed to Sky Harbor. Spokane bound. Can't wait to get home & see Lynn (and the pugs, too, of course!).
@tom_miller Tom , thank you. That was so kind of you to say. That's what keeps me doing this.
@masscontrolkern I knew that campaign would work like a champ. Heck, I even got it myself. (Also not surprisingly).
@thewebcoach Once you try Mac... you never go back!
@TimBirch Well, of course... what other kinda computer would Tony use? :-)
@CoachBrandon Can't wait to get down to Sedona!
@BernieTague Thanks Bernie... we'll be doing a new CopyCamp very soon!
@RobboM Say hi to Kirt for me. - What computer should you use? If you model excellence... I rest my case. ;-)
At #amlive Armand just launched his new product. It's free. You should get it: (umm... did I mention it's FREE?)
Dinner last nt w/ @stumclaren, @Jon_Walker, Stu's Platinums & Herschy... fighter pilots are troublemakers. All I'm sayin'. ;-) #amlive


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