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@GamePlanHayden @dbryanjones @masonarnold Can you kick it tonight? Belmont, El Rey for some drinks, eats at Whole Foods?
@brevsin meet @gameplanhayden you guys should talk; Tim knows more people than I do. That said, he is quantitative, I roll qualitative. :-)
I really only came to know most of you through this medium; you're now top of mind. You have needs and solutions; I bridge to the offline
@TheRealDaveShaw Ugh. I had an offline conversation about @scottingram and ADP, brought it back online. Why? It's the point of SMM.
@GamePlanHayden we need to talk and soon. Something is brewing that we can work together on (if you're interested).
@ScottIngram Ugh, Ingram= 100k revenues. New Client for you.
@ScottIngram @scottallen count me on that sushi tweetup. Oh and Scott, I just made you 100k in revenue this morning. No crap. Cash/money.
@egoh dang. Poker Sunday. Once you guys get into town, let me know how I can support. What area of town? will make life services list.
@jonl I am half dying to have a conversation with you over a beverage; @aburaglia and I are drumming up a tweet-up. Keep you posted.
@masscontrolkern probably not evil, true. But stupid. What's the first rule of Fight Club, Frank? There is no Fight Club.
@masscontrolkern Nevermind. I called the number listed there: disconnected. Interesting: they did not tag your name, either. What nimrods.
@masscontrolkern Since you linked the vid, the views have doubled. All comments negative; reverse psych strategy? Lotsa angles here.
@LisaHoffmann Go at it from a place of abundance, not fear and anxiety. Vision-boarding is the new Prayer. Identify opportunity, own it.
@iannarino re: diffentiator/competitive advantage. Our people. Personnel is policy: all Senior level production, gelled as one unit.
@omarg @jonl Complimentary Das Keyboard c/o me? Professional or Ultimate series; confirm and it is yours.
@sxswi Thanks for the follow-thru, Katie and I have get together tomorrow; looking forward to participating this year.
@brevsin Understood. But if anyone understands the good ole boys network, we do down here. Leverage everyone in your core, and periphery.
@egoh will you be in town Sunday?


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