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Screenwriting class was fun this week, good turnout and positive engagement. The potential routes for storytelling are frankly staggering.
@charlottecarey Live projects, rigorous professional standards, safety nets for clients and retain the right to fail. Just like real life.
Off to Thursday's Screenwriting class.
@stephenfry Young waiter in a Birmingham French restaurant nervously asked me "Are you Rufus Wainwright?". I suspect he's never seen him.
@carocharlton Only 1GB? is that enough? 4GB in my BlackBook really made a difference to running Aperture/LightZone, and surprisingly cheap.
@domster I try. Wishing Canon had a pancake lens like my friend's 35mm Nikkor.
@charlottecarey Ah, I wondered where he was as I signed for the 30th MA submission ;-)
@charlottecarey it might mean you stop tweeting your lunch. ;-)
@ianbetteridge @Gartenberg Good for Google, Bad for MS. For SE? Wait and see.
Momus starts gifting his six out-of-print Creation albums. The Poison Boyfriend is first; highly recommended.
Pruning my followers. Deleting blocked accounts, and anyone with MLM, wealth, guru etc in their account names.
Thanks @gruber for linking to this, which pretty much nails the Twitter wars.
@peteashton Thankfully HK uses UK sockets, and free PCCW in the airport. Lovely Richard Rogers airport on the whole. Staying over at all?
@peteashton Absolutely, the whole public wifi thing here is a joke. FIZ? Give me a break. We had free access across the CF back in 1998.
@peteashton Osaka sounds excellent, and I second your sentiments. HKG isn't too bad, though the dominance of PCCW wifi in HK is stifling.
@peteashton LHR is worse IMO, though BHX has regressed in terms of WiFi etc. over the last couple years. Any good airports for this stuff?
@nathansmonk Great stuff Nathan! Now get that big "only 1 remaining" logo on there!
@aeioux Do you know where PWEI got their name? David Quantick coined it re the kind of post-modernist stuff going on in mid-80's music.
Lecture hung around Nightmare Before Christmas screening.. Couple of weisse bieres and a german sausage. Now home for sleep.


Si Sandy Ryan Carson bob Tom Martin John Gruber Ian Betteridge AntonioGould Pete Ashton Jon Bounds Michael Gartenberg Darth Vader Andy Mabbett Fraser Speirs The Emperor @-_-@ Princess Leia Chewbacca Han Solo r2d2 Veer C3PO Paul Bradshaw Dom Barnes Admiral Ackbar Scott Paterson Stef Lewandowski Rory Cellan-Jones Mia Bäcke James Tauber Carlos Gomez Cabel M. Sasser Obi-Wan Kenobi Nathan Monk Simon de Haan Stormtrooper Andrew Dubber
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