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@9600 whilst the Guardian LeWeb article is funny, @dahowlett's roundup is probably fairer:
in awe of the Nekobus and other lovely Bento boxes:
@loiclemuer the IETF typically have 1300+ hard-core geeks with laptops at their meetings, but their wifi rider is scary:
really worried about more bad news from Yahoo! it has/had so many *nice* smart people working there ..
death by a thousand Powerpoints and we enter the "What is a Widget", "What is an API" and "Policy" discussion. This is what we're here for!
OH: "All your trusted computing specs are belong to FAIL"
learning about Opera on the Nintendo DS browser via @arveb
trying to concentrate on groking the OMTP/BONDI landscape but engaged in frenzied email/irc/IM/twitter/flickr/Facebook/Linked-in whac-a-mole
as a veteran of trying to follow conferences remotely, LeWeb's ustream TV was amazing, but feeble irc/tweetage/flickrin' from my contacts
According to classical physics "all moments in time already exist", but quantum mechanics says "probably". Too early to read this brain hurt
things googled today: "Screens of death", "Machine Head", "25C3", "Tristan da Cunha", "Pacific Trash Vortex", "Shapiro delay", "SCADA"
saddened by news of more Yahoo! lay offs. Radical surgery is one thing, but not if it's gouging out yer brains out.
@timbray I am in my happy place - lalala! @tommorris #socialmediais your mum picking you up from the disco
OH: "Web Services", UDDI", "SAML", "DOD", "PKI", "what we need is a WS-* enabled 'fat browser' and right now" -yelp!
worrying "trusted platform" discussion, "remote kill switches", "who watches the watcher" we're not in API land anymore, or are we?
@hallam "I'd like to challenge the End to End principle .." his point drowned out by cries of "BURN THE WITCH" :)
managed to cheekily squeeze onto the #w3cdevices Agenda doing my best @jermolene impression presenting
and with a tweet, I demonstrate why Unix like acls embedded in trusted devices on trusted networks for geo privacy is big hairy pants, hah!
with @mahmoff at the W3C Device Access Workshop #w3cdevices. Spies @roessler @torgo @BenLaurie @hallam @marcosc @arveb @therealmaxf


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Blaine Cook Jerry Michalski danah boyd Dick Hardt Ross Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver Brittany Bohnet Arun Ranganathan lane Dan Diephouse Stewart Butterfield Cristiano Betta Mark Simpkins Thor Muller David Orchard l.m. orchard ribot Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Hickensian Richard Rutter debs Norm! Danny Ayers Drew McLellan Natalie Ben Ward Josh Russell
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