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is spidering a portion of the internet
bought cheese from the farm shop which contains Ale and Mustard. Best. Thing. Ever.
is busy writing recipes
it's an afternoon of code reviews over at Global towers
spent the train in learning more erlang.
@BenWard the Internet will come to the rescue and while it's at it take its revenge on Yahoo
@DanAdcock Also wants beer. Something should be done
@boagworld @matthewpennell It doesn't (yet). But I prefer it to for simply listening to music I don't own. And I don't mind searchin
listening to an entire album of Police covers on spotify
@mattb I might be interested. Let me know when you know how much you want for any of them.
@boagworld in some circles Web Services (capitalised) could be interpreted as different to lower case web services. Bit like Semantic Web.
@boagworld Only use the term Web Services if you're willing to defend your usage of it. Lots of flavours and lots of zealots about.
nice job YUI peeps for releasing YUIDoc on GitHub no less;
just wrote code that started bread = soup.find(). Is now hungry.
good demo this morning. Now a quick code review of a web service (in homage to @cackhanded), then pie, then some more work
today has been a good day. Spent the day having productive arguments with smart people and then the evening having discussions with othe ...
quite likes working under the instructions of pylint


Evan Williams Blaine Cook rey Colin Schlüter Ian Hay Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Thomas Vander Wal Cristiano Betta Molly E. Holzschlag Cal Henderson ribot Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Adam Liptrot Hickensian Richard Rutter James Darling Si Jobling Norm! David Stone Pete Lambert Drew McLellan Natalie Ben Ward Josh Russell Timbo Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Andrew Disley pixeldiva Simon Willison Phu Steve Marshall Tom Coates
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