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@GoldChoiceUK Thanks -- he was really lovely and actually cared; rare qualities in a GP in the UK.
Just learned that my doctor, whom I saw just last week, died in a car accident :(
Trying not to see arrays everywhere while learning Objective C.
@tommorris (a) Are you the only one staying there? (b) Is it costing an arm +1 leg, (c) name + location pls so I can add it to my list :)
@adactio Break a leg -- sorry I won't be there to hear you guys play; still recovering from this darn chest infection :(
Bemused that the iso of the latest Ubuntu release is 300MB _smaller_ than the latest XCode installer.
They apparently cancelled Moonlight after the first season - grrr!
One good thing about being ill: watched the whole first season of Moonlight and loved it. Feeling a little better today but taking it easy.
Thanking everyone for their well wishes. Fever just broke + on new antibiotics. Can think again! :)
Has been certified as officially ill by his friendly neighborhood doctor and is awaiting his antibiotics. Chest infection FAIL.
@nigelpegg Will we be able to scale up to those numbers also after the beta? If so, sounds interesting. Screensharing is still an issue tho.
@fatbusinessman Nope, #MrTweet asked permission and I allowed it to post.
@nigelpegg 1000 concurrent connections in a single room?
Using #MrTweet, my personal assistant who helps me discover great followers and influencers in my network!!
@BitTube Good to hear it. Last year's, as a speaker, was the worst conference I'd spoken at. Hope that means progress.
@BitTube ... It's just a business event.
@BitTube ... Take it as the corporate event that it is and you won't be disappointed but don't expect to be treated as a speaker ...
@BitTube When I spoke last year, there was no power strip to plug in to in my room or technician. Speaker "room" was a joke... #maxeurope
Nokia N97 sounds good on paper. Interested to see whether it actually feels next gen in reality.


Jeremy Jonathan Markwell Colin Schlüter Mark Wubben Thomas Vander Wal Lynn Wallenstein Scott Janousek Jason Calacanis Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Kevo Thomson Nick Tong adrian ribot Elliott Pesut Jeremy Keith Spif Daniel Ryan Stewart Chafic Kazoun corban baxter Ian Forrester William Tildesley keith salisbury Hickensian Richard Rutter Si Jobling Norm! David Stone Pete Lambert Drew McLellan Natalie Josh Russell Derek Featherstone pixeldiva Simon Willison
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