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sleep now night all
the Peperonni on this pizza tastes like the bottom of an ashtrays armpit
@alexjmackey SSRS is rubbish, more of a fact than an idea - but may explain your cuttent problem
@timgaunt The box ironically says "WARNING HOT PIZZA", I believe "NOTICE, TEPID PIZZA" would be more appropriate.
@MyPizzaShop Get a bloody move on!
@DaveSussman I wonder if the Pizza shop needs Twitter ordering.
@devhammer I think you need clinical help.
OH NOES. Pizza will be at least another 30 mins. I may actually die.
@rammesses Exchange tea for red bull? Are you some kind of Witch ?
@devhammer I so started the HOHOHATTING.
WHERE IS MY PIZZA WHY IS IT NOT HERE ARGH. .... SQL SPINNERS..... more tea yes - that will help.
Just orderd Pizza. Not been to sleep yet. *Fzzzttttt*
Still processing - Heroes now ... maybe it'll be done by the time that's finished.
Instead of watching the Spinner in SQL Server while my queries execute, I'm going to watch spooks Series 7, Episode 8 :D


Cristiano Betta Ian Forrester Stuart Andrew Disley Dave Verwer Deb Bassett Neil Cowburn Jason Alexander Scott Watermasysk Stubbs dextermixwith Ray Booysen James Governor Chris Hardy Frank Arrigo Paul John McKerrell Mitch Denny Don McAllister IanBlackburn JonRowett Jane Dallaway Simon Harriyott Oliver Sturm Thom Jon Galloway Phil Haack Tim Duckett Paul Robinson Don Makoviney Nick Harris Chris Cooke Chris Garrett David B Tim Waters Gary Short
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