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Long cold day. Travelling, phonecalls, clients. You know what, it's time for soup.
@riklomas In principle, yes, but closing Brickhouse risks loss of *very* valuable staff, and sends out a potent anti-innovation message.
I propose that Yahoo! replace their exclamation mark with an interrobang. "Yahoo‽" is far more suited to their WTF strategy.
@yandle @twhume Perhaps, but caveat: designing solely for metrics => bad design. I've learnt the hard way that some things aren't red ......
They're closing Brickhouse too? Yahoo really is full of poor decisions of late.
Miserable week being slowly improved through hard work and early Nirvana.
Dear Twitterfriends: anyone going to the BBC party on Saturday able to spare a sofa for the night?
Dangerously close to entering Triangle Body Mode: Deeply frustrating day.
Lost: brand new Sennheiser iPhone headphones. 50 notes down the bloody drain, unless any Brightonians have stumbled across them?
@adactio My pleasure. Always enjoyable to get my teeth stuck into some algebra.
There's some damn fine Maths in @adactio's IE6 24ways article: ;)
Just saw a cat wearing a waistcoat and hat kicking the crap out of Officer Dibble. It's TC gone mad, I tell you.
Physical chores done: kitchen cleaned, dishwasher loaded. Next up: digital chores. Podcasts to download, emails to send, replies to write.
I'd forgotten just how much I love
I tried. I really tried. But that was pretty much my idea of hell, regardless of the sexuality.
At @adactio's gig. Wondering if anything's happening after? @serenasaysso?
Wondering whether designers make naturally talented musicians. I think they might.
Make this: Apple juice, crumbled cinnamon stick/s, ginger to taste, generous sloshes amaretto. Heat slowly, don't boil. Remove bits. Drink.
Bacon Sandwich: A New Hope.
Wanting to correct Dopplr's grammar: "We already found Alice, Bob and Charlie *with whom* you already share trips".


Evan Williams Dunstan veen Jonathan Markwell David Smith Matt Jones Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Thomas Vander Wal lane Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Curtis James Cristiano Betta Thor Muller Molly E. Holzschlag ribot Emily Chang Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester Hickensian Richard Rutter Si Jobling Norm! David Stone Drew McLellan Natalie Ben Ward Josh Russell Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Simon Willison Steve Marshall
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